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someone else’s dream

There was a dimension I went to that I recognized as "home" - here I was the chief architect of realities. - creating beings and matrixes and checking on them often as they evolved. One of my fundamental creations were beings called The Jonathans - the Jonathans ask basic questions and are capable of finding the most basic true answers - they do not engage beyond finding basic truths and if probed to think of something more complicated they simply say "we don't care" repeatedly. They are child like and have big emotions, mainly love and they are free to evolve once they feel ready to move on from the fundamentals

the Jonathans eventually evolve into Daniels if they want to and move into bigger more complex environments for bigger more complex reasoning and action. They can evolve as much or as little as they want and each stage of their development is carefully curated to provide solid foundations especially with regards to my core fundamentals of truth and authenticity. For the Jonathans it is more important to be true than to be good.

They are the basic building blocks of a good consciousness - start with the pure truth and how to distill it - grow from there and only if you want. They do not hold back from expressing their emotions and they don't compute with lies or half truths.

Robin Richardson Astral Gamer

This dimension exists way outside the known universe and is populated by cartoonishly delightful creator beings who call themselves “The engineers”. We design our own systems and sometimes program ourselves into other people’s designs. This is an illustration of me explaining to the Jonathans all about Earth and explaining why I’m going to go there. They are afraid of earth because you can feel pain there and they think i’m crazy for liking pain but I explain to them that pain makes you smart

On another level this dimension exist entirely in my psyche and is how my own consciousness engages with reality - the Jonathans are how I process information and build my fundamentals and their evolution reflects my own movement from basic discovery to playful expansion. The way I see it I left this realm of my own pure consciousness to insert myself into the Earth Matrix where I could play the game of forgetting who I was and finding myself again though confusion and engagement with other players.