It is true what Jung said;

the only way out is through

This is where we leave you - there is much more to your story so stay tuned to the Astral Gamer Saga to learn more

The build-up to a remote no-win death walk 
is exquisitely symphonic  
You don’t know what I’m talking about 
do you? Okay let’s say there is a kingdom, 

only high-tech, not a castle. The courtiers 
are gamers and the peasants are game
Each peasant has a point value and gamers 
want points, points make gamers kings 

and queens. You get it? The more powerful 
the peasant the more valuable their elimination
but you can’t touch them, it must be traceless 
Now imagine you’re a peasant 

worth a million points. Congratulations. 
You’re going to become a super soldier 
or die. You are biologically, psychologically, 
geographically and psychically predictable, 

you are programmable, you are deceivable
you are susceptible. You have voices 
in your head now don’t you? You are being
punished for loving the King, you are being 

punished for being naive, you are being 
brutally ceaselessly pummelled 
for thinking for a second you could be Queen.
Close your eyes don’t scream or 

the other peasants will lock you up. The gamers
own the institutions of the peasants, 
the gamers own everything but you. 
Don’t squirm they’re dismantling your 

higher functions now there is a molecule here 
monitoring your thoughts, you’re being watched
There are so many of them you must just let 
it happen. You must go with the undertow.

There will indeed be broken bones.
It takes three years to build your No-Win
are you ready? It’s like your birthday but 
the opposite. Everyone is cheering 

and you can’t remember eating, you can’t
remember sleeping, you look demonic
the other peasants are at your door 
with pitchforks and a warrant for something 

you don’t remember doing. You have no choice, 
they got you but there is a portal through 
your death to just another day but better

My adversary - a tech billionaire - decided he wanted to drag me to Hell. This takes time because Heaven and Hell are vibrational states that correspond to how you feel and what you believe. He attached himself to me and triggered psychosis - putting me through increasingly hopeless life and death situations until I was worn down and my nervous system and neural system shot. Now, increasingly, the beautiful life I had worked so hard to reflect was crumbling and in its place was a loud, aggressive, suffocating hellscape. Where I once heard angels offering aid and forgiveness I now heard devils condemning me to suffer and listing off my sins and missteps, not to help me learn but to justify their torment. My body withered and I could not sleep for weeks on end - full on madness - I wandered through a city in which the slightest misstep triggered those around me to lash out in violence. I learned to hide and keep quiet, not to enter buildings as I walked on bloody feet for days that felt like years ( I even saw the seasons change over and over) in what can best be described as the seemingly never ending backrooms of reality. The trick to getting out, I found, was to accept all the accusations made against me with humility and let my faults come to light to myself fully - only then can you get out and in some cases you may still have to face the consequences of your actions on earth. It's sort of a big trial but with maniacal demons trying to trick you into thinking some things are worse than they are so you will let them torment you. Discern what you truly regret doing and release it. Own the rest. Then when you finally fall asleep you will find a portal at the very end of Hell - like an Etcher - the fire will turn to water and you will be able to climb through the other side and see to your wounds. It is deeply painful but deeply purifying. Be strong about it, Be stoic. To resist or to deny or panic will only pull the exit further from your grasp.