It turns out The Apex and Liam Rue aren’t the only people who are interested in you. There are many individuals and institutions both good and bad who work in the astral realms, keeping an eye out for people like you - Some want to recruit you, some kill you, and some want to help you. Those that want to help you have been tapping your phone, trying to make sense of what is happening. When you shared your story out loud they were able to trace back evidence that pins certain crimes committed in your name back to Liam. He is taken in and processed but unfortunately he is easily able to buy his way back to freedom. So while you haven’t solved the problem of Liam completely you have helped your allies in the war and cleared yourself of a false case that was being built against you.

While Liam was being processed you were able to recover a little and take care of yourself but you know he will be back. What do you do next?