The two most powerful tactics of the enemy is the exploitation of desire and aversion. They will dangle opportunities on front of you like a carrot ever pulling you where they want you, never delivering. sometimes the carrot is love, sometimes, fame, wealth, opportunity. In every case the way to eliminate their power over you is not just to realize the desired object will never be delivered but to overcome the desire all together, seeking no thing that another can deliver and instead being content with your own place here and now.
The other favourite technique of the enemy is to exploit fear and aversion. They will probe your brain and extract your greatest fears so that they can make them real for you and once again have you moving in the direction they want as they either chase you or pretend to help you. This often has targets fleeing their homes, staying in hotels or shelters, spending money they don’t have, and pouring energy into the people they believe are helping them. The trick here is not only to recognize it’s all a mind game and not at all real, but also to overcome the fear with acceptance. If i’m arrested so what? If I’m killed so what? The ultimate surrender will be the ultimate saviour on the astral battlefield.
Robin Richardson