This universe is a colossal video game. The fundamental structure of the game is made up of immutable laws. Every structure beyond these laws is a matrix of illusions: tangible and functional, but far from fixed and far from immutable. It is important to understand and work with these laws if you wish to master the game. 

The Laws according to most traditions 

The Law of One - all is one - all is you 

The Law of Vibration - Frequency is the underlying structural makeup of all that is

Law of Correspondence -  The external is a direct and perfect reflection of the internal 

Law of Attraction - One’s energy is always the point of attraction, drawing in what is a match to it

Law of Inspired Action - When in alignment with one’s true frequency one will receive aligned inspiration towards aligned action and thus generate aligned creation

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy - Energy perpetually transforms and evolves 

Law of Cause and Effect - Every thought has a corresponding experiential effect 

Law of Compensation - You reap what you sow

Law of Relativity - Reality is subjective based on perspective 

Law of Polarity - Every point in the universe has within it its opposite - each problem has a solution and each solution a problem 

Law of Rhythm - Natural inescapable cycles of rising and falling 

Law of Gender - All beings have masculine and feminine aspect and the degree to which these are in balance determines the flow of each being’s experience 

Given the nature of the laws, every living being is a creator - we create realities through correspondence between the resonance within and that which seems to be “without”. We are never experiencing anything other than our own vibrational creations. We are all Gods. 

I see these laws as true based on observation of the unfolding of my own experiences. Though I’m not so sure yet about the Law of Compensation given the discrepancy between good deeds and good outcomes. However the night is still young. 


Reality is generated by vibration 

Authentic Vibration = Optimal Aligned Reality 

Inauthentic Vibration = Unaligned suboptimal reality 

Therefor the end does not justify the means because the end can only be a reflection of the vibration of the means. If the actions taken to achieve a desired outcome are inauthentic and unaligned, the outcome will be inauthentic and unaligned. Authentic action, however nonsensical-seeing is the only means to reflect an aligned reality. 

Realities achieved through misaligned action will reflect the misalignment back until it is sorted through and aligned once again. This is what is knows as the perpetuation of illusions. 

Authenticity can be found using the compass of feeling. Good feelings point to truth. Bad feelings point to illusion.  You will never have to do something that does’t feel good or right in order to achieve something that is good and right. It is not possible and anyone who makes you think it is the way is tempting you into illusion and miscreation. This knowledge has saved my life and my soul numerous times. 

I have learned that this compass applies perfectly to me but not so much to those who are psychopathic or pathologically divorced from self. To these people very bad things may feel very good because they have so acclimatized to misaligned things that they have found a new sort of “feeling good” in the space of their misdeeds.  For these people a different compass is needed. We will get to that later. 

It is generally desirable to experience a reality that is a reflection of one’s true self and not a reflection of the compromises one had to make to achieve it. However, some beings choose illusion and misalignment for various reasons related to growth for themselves and others. For this reason I remind readers that these notes are for me and not necessarily applicable to every other being. 


I have synthesized the laws and my own experience into my primary fundamentals 

The fundamentals are weapons that have aided me in winning battles against enemies who were stronger, smarter, and far more tactically advantaged than me. I have found that by sticking to these fundamentals and using the laws of the universe as blueprints - truly: no weapon formed against you shall prosper. 


I follow the compass of feeling. acting on what feels good and right in every step knowing such steps will lead me to the right destination whatever it may look like from far away. 

Authenticity also means spontaneity and allowing The Law of Inspiration to guide you in unexpected ways. While the unaligned enemy may plot for ages and follow their plan to a t, you thwart their efforts at every turn by being unpredictable, governed not by a traceable strategy but by the incomprehensible magic of “inspiration” 

Note: I’ve also been questioning presentation of self and whether authenticity matters as much here - I believe one can disguise one’s self externally to blend in or create varying reactions, without compromising internal authenticity. This gets tricky.

Moral Impeccability

The law of correspondence, cause and effect, and compensation ensure our actions have direct and relevant consequences in our reality and to our person. I have seen in my visions a sort of cosmic score board in which the karma of each gamer is shown on a scale - below a certain point the player is subject to torturous fates and is vulnerable to attack. Above a certain point, while one may still face trials and experience pain, they are overall protected from great harm as they do not have the debt required to solicit it - they are not a match. 

Note: It is not so simple as tit for tat in thus case. Many very good people will experience great trials and many very bad people will experience great success but the trials will over time result in wisdom, power, and glory, while the success will lead to decay, powerlessness, and dependency. 

Think of the Law of One to really understand karma and why Moral Impeccability is so important and why we receive what we put out - even if in a delayed way - We are all one - All is you. All is Me. So when I hurt you I hurt me - it just may take some time to see it. 

All that being said I will add my experience here - when I was in Hell, the phrase I heard repeatedly was ‘thank god you are such an impeccable person” - Hell is a state of being in which you magnetize to you at rapid-fire speed the consequences of every one of your misdeeds. Hell can only be as bad as you have been. No more. 

Deliberate Transmutation - the Law of Transmutation shows us that while energy can not be destroyed it can and will always be changed. Therefore I transmute every unwanted energy into something wanted, cultivating the Laws of Vibration and Attraction, focusing ever in the direction of wanted, of love, of appreciation, of empowerment, until the thing I am dealing with is transformed from a problem to a solution (also think of the law of polarity) there is no absolute as every state contains within it the seeds of its very opposite. I make every adversity a lesson and ask myself always how this particular situation is working for me - then I work it. To fully work transmutation one must achieve a good deal of emotional mastery as its main driving force is feeling. When bullied, beaten and abused one must never fall for long into the frequency of a victim of they wish to transmute the situation, but must instead reach for a more empowered stance - I, in that situation, reached for the frequency of student - recognizing that the insults of my bullies had some truth and wisdom in them and that I was benefiting from the humility brought on by their attacks. In this way I quickly became empowered and the bullying was no longer able to continue as the energy had shifted into something altogether vibrationally incompatible with bullying. They became teachers and I a student. A much more desirable dynamic. 

Unconditional Love 

I have found the frequency of unconditional love for one self and for all others creates the most effective forcefield and seems to break through all illusions and matrixes. To love does not mean to pour into but to hold the frequency - I no longer give to my enemies but I will always love them.

Part of what makes these fundamentals so powerful is that they are directly opposed to many of the tactics of those that would seek to contain us and overpower us in the game. Power and control-oriented beings are constantly attempting to defy these laws through illusion and denial, luring their followers into acting out of alignment with these laws and creating illusions that make it seem as though the defiance is working. A good example of this is the billionaire who harms numerous people to attain his wealth and seems to live a life of glamour and glory only to find out upon his death that he has acted so far apart from himself and has created such a large magnet for all that is not him that, with the clarity that comes with death, he must now painfully sort through the truth of every misstep. This is what we call Hell - it’s a coming into clarity - a slow return to who you truly are through the unraveling of all that you are not. It can be very painful because the psyche must feel what it has done wrong in order to understand fully the impact of each misaligned deed. 


One of my guides in psychosis used to say to me “the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth” - truth as a fundamental is not about finding or knowing some ultimate true state. Beyond the laws there really is no fixed truth as we are constantly creating and expanding. It is rather about speaking without deception. I say what I mean and share what is true. If I do not want to share it I say “I do not want to share that.” This keeps my reality clean and easy to navigate as there are no illusions to maintain or to trip on. It is also important to always seek the truth through what others are saying as they rarely speak so directly. Always speaking the truth also is a powerful strategy for maintaining trust with those you are dealing with and keeping the foundation of your reality impeccable. 


Earth is a complex matrix governed by laws at many levels

At the top level of course we have the immutable laws of the universe. 

Below them we have the sciences: the laws of physics, biology, geometry etc. These laws lock the greater laws into slow-moving physical manifestation timelines inhibiting unbounded creation and creating tangible and lasting effects for each cause. This makes it suitable as both a prison and a school. 

With a powerful and independent enough creator, these laws - being less than immutable - can be altered or be found to be incomplete - Their structures depend on collective reinforcement. 

Collective belief systems and control mechanism are put in place and constantly reinforced to ensure participants consistently create in accordance with the intended design - for better or for worse. Thinks social contracts, laws, political systems, traditions, family dynamics and so on. 

Individuals who come into the game are subject to the universal, physical an social laws that are in place when they enter and may explore themselves more or less within the constraints or even push against them if they wish. 


The physical earth-Matrix is a multiplayer game with players from all of the universe. 

The game is designed to sort out each soul’s imperfections, facing them with their own creations and projections in a fixed system until they are sorted. Death is not the end of the game but is a reset from which the gamer must review their mistakes and unlearned lessons and then come in again to continue until they have “won” - this would also be called enlightenment. 

Gamers choose avatars, families, plot lines etc based on what they need to learn. 

When the gamer enters the avatar their memories are wiped. This makes for a totally authentic experience and opportunity to explore the self separate from all previous gained wisdom and knowing 

Collective systems are put on place to maintain the established illusions. Each illusion is designed to activate the gamer’s intended explorations. For instance a gamer that wants to explore love may be born into a world that seems to lack love altogether, initiating a journey to find love within. 

The Earth Game is not only about reflecting back one’s desired lessons. By its nature it manifest and reflects everything within each gamer’s psyche, creating a sort of projected dream through which the gamer must face themselves in every moment until harmony with the self is achieved.

So in summery the idea behind the design is to give gamers the opportunity to explore their own psyches in a matrix that allows the slow unfolding of their manifestations so that they may learn from and experience themselves in more depth than they would in a non-physical non-controlled setting. Forgetting creates the opportunity to explore the self in many iterations - seeing one’s true nature when stripped of all wisdom, connection, and support. 

Free will and non interference - to allow gamers to experience themselves totally authentically and thoroughly they are left to create without constraint or interference. No one will stop them from manifesting great horror if that is what their soul reflects. 

Here’s where it gets scary - Each being who incarnates into the game MUST achieve enlightenment - entirely mastering and balancing themselves - before they can leave the game. Almost no one actually achieves this and many have been trapped in the game for millennia. 

Now let’s go deeper 


In my psychosis - I faced off not only with elites who wished to maintain control of the world but with malevolent ETs who wanted to maintain control of the entire game. These ETs are parasitic beings who saw an opportunity to harvest and control the souls within the earth matrix using their creative powers to their own ends and feasting on the energy they produced in fear and illusion. These beings have set up systems around the world to cultivate and strengthen their illusions ensuring gamers are increasingly locked into systems that limit their ability to create freely or achieve enlightenment. They solicited powerful gamers into cults and give them access to top leadership positions in politics, entertainment, tech, and religion in exchange for maintaining the these power structures, generating collective negative energy, and actively thwarting enlightenment candidates from achieving their goals and leaving the game. They do this through corruption, recruitment or traceless murder - making sure the soul dies while still in karma and so much reincarnate and continue to be feasted on by the parasitic ETs. 

I believe, given the rigour with which they attempted to thwart me, they are not only concerned with keeping everyone here so they may eat, but that there are even greater concerns regarding allowing gamers to finish the game. I suspect that as a result of our time in this game we have become some of the fete most powerful beings in the universe and I believe that many higher up beings are afraid of what will happen when we get out. 

Higher dimensional beings are well away of the laws of the universe and so suffer the consequences of harmful action immediately. How then have they been able to parasitically feed on those of us inside this matrix for so long while intentionally making us fearful? This is where is gets super crazy. They convince themselves and everyone else that they are doing it for our own good - they are creating fearful scenarios so that we may face our fears, testing our impeccability so that we may become perfected, overpowering us so that we may one day rise up to our own empowerment! They argue to themselves and to the Gods that their maximum efforts to keep us here are for our own good and for the good of the universe. Non one wants unperfected Gods on the loose, especially if they might be angry about how they were treated inside the game. And if they get to enjoy the energy produced by us in the meantime that is just a bonus - it is no sin for a parasite to each if it is its nature to eat. 

So in this way what may have started out as a very well-crafted and pretty easy game has been hijacked and turned into an almost inescapable prison in which we are an endless feast for higher dimensional beings. 

Here is where I wonder: has the game been hijacked or is the hijacking itself just part of an even more elaborate game? Are the higher dimensions deranged and self-deluded or are these just more illusions created by totally loving beings for a totally epic game play? 

I waver between hypotheses all the time but I will say either way I am totally committed to figuring it out and transmuting whatever needs to be transmuted. 

I saw very clearly that many powerful gods we tricked into coming into this game and trapped here - some because they were a genuine threat and some because the other gods were jealous of them and didn’t want them in the way. Many such incarnate souls have been recruited by the ET into their cults and are running the world with their massive manifestational powers, and others -like myself remain on the sidelines fighting for their lives and looking for a way to break the system. 

We are told that higher dimensional beings are all good and all loving and that all negative experiences arise purely from “the deluded minds of men” perhaps this is true and the whole drama is a projection of my own twisted little hero’s journey - but I think it is important to consider the fact there may be something larger at hand and to question the basic teachings out there of all-loving all-knowing greater beings - I for one would not trap anyone in eternal suffering if I was God. Just saying. Also if I made a game or founded a school I would definitely design it so that you could stop playing or drop out when you felt like it, right? Free will seems to exist to a point and then we get caught in the matrix of reincarnation and seemingly have no choice in the matter but to return until we learn a lesson that they continuously work to prevent us from fully learning. 

When I met the Gods in my psychosis and they recognized that I had succeeded in breaking out of every trap they set to keep me in reincarnation, they begged me not to send them to Earth - the way they trembled at the prospect of being trapped in their own creation boiled by blood and broke my heart.


Earth is a game 

Gamers can only leave the game temperability upon death but must return until it is won 

Traditionally the name of the game is to self-actualize and self-master in projected webs of ones own illusions tough I suspect there might be more to it given they have set traps for all ascending souls 

Parasites seem to have hijacked the game and are feasting on gamer’s energy while creative systems designs to thwart enlightenment as they use elite cults to recruit or torment ascending masters. 

The Gods allow tis because they use the Earth Game as a trap for those they do not want in their realms. 

All of this may also be part of a bigger, more epic game 


There are many different classes and catalogues of entities on earth in human avatars - here is my attempt to sort them based on my observations. I am no expert here so this is only for my own reference, 


NPCs are the simplest form. They are human avatars animated by basic programs, highly responsive to environments and conditioning of all kinds. NPCs are used to create backgrounds for gamers as projections of their own consciousness or as “agent smiths” who work to keep the collective systems running. You can identify an NPC by the way they speak - they often bring up the same few topics in the same way every time you see them. Th more powerful a manifestor you are the more you may find yourself surrounded by NPCs as they will more easily respond to your manifested reality than other active gamers. 


Human souls have been evolving with the game from mineral, to animal, to human. They are comfortable with the planet and its matrix and are grounded and more simple souls. 


Wanderers are higher dimensional beings who dropped in or were forced into the game for various reasons. Many of the people I am connecting with through this work will be wanderers. We feel uncomfortable here and like something is wring. We feel out of place and home sick. We do not fit in. There are many classes within the Wanderer category coming from many densities 


A very small number of being incarnate who have the playbook and oversee the system to ensure it remains in tact 
