Targeted individuals have been flagged by various institutions or individuals with monitoring and manipulative capabilities. They can experience what is called remote neural monitoring, V2K - Voice to skull tech or Synthetic telepathy, phone tapping, surveillance, and AI molecular programs superimposed into their DNA. I know it sounds crazy, but if you are a targeted individual you’re already nodding you head and you know just how real this is. Here are a few signs that you have been targeted. the next post talks about what to do about it. This phenomenon can also be called gang stalking

  • You hear voices in your head

  • You have been contacted telepathically by a famous person with a big proposal

  • You can’t get a particular famous person out of your head and feel you are destined to be together

  • You feel you are being watched, like being on. the Truman Show or like your life is being developed into a video game

  • You receive dark thoughts you know are not your own

  • Your dreams seem to be not your own either - like you’re being terrorized or tested

  • You feel like other people are looking through your eyes or forcing them to look at certain things

  • Your health and routine are suffering and people are beginning to treat you differently

  • You feel like you’re being set up and keep thinking about the worst things you’ve ever done, like someone is digging through your brain wanting to book you on something

  • You find it hard to heal and your health is deteriorating at a rapid rate

  • You keep having to move or stay in hotels because you believe you are constantly in danger

  • You’re losing your livelihood, friends, and family

  • You feel you have to prove yourself or preform to whoever is watching you

  • You’re an independent thinker who speaks up

  • You’re having a spiritual awakening

  • You feel you have heavy attachments on you energetically

  • People act erratically around you and accuse you of doing things you haven’t done

  • You’ve been prompted to delete your social media and erase your online presence

If you’re reading this you are part of our community, which is a very good thing. Look forward to things getting better as we ban together with techniques and empowerment

by robin richardson


