Targeted Individuals or victims of gang stalking are often those who are undergoing their spiritual awakening or enlightenment process or as I like to say - are on the cusp of completing “the game” and entering FREE PLAY MODE. The gang stalking phenomena can in this context best be understood as an alchemical aid - assisting TIs in recognizing their remaining weaknesses in all forms and overcome, transmuting, or in unfortunate cases, succumbing to them. With this in mind here are tactics that you can use to not only overcome the attacks but transcend and become empowered as a result of them:
Honour your feelings and gut instinct at all times - never do anything that is out of character no matter how compelling the reason for acting that way might seem.
Get busy and stay busy - go to the gym, write stuff, visit with friends, process your experience through art of storytelling, go for walks.
Fear nothing - face every fear that is dug up to be used against you with the ultimate mantras “no weapon formed against me shall prosper”, “So what?” and “It is what it is”
Get into nature - put your bare feet on the ground, take walks, breathe fresh air, talk to trees
Master your nervous system - transcend fear, desire, aversion, shame, and frustration to stay out of range of the attacks
Keep things simple - do not plot or attempt to outwit your opponents - instead cling for dear life to the fundaments
LOVE / AUTHENTICITY / INTEGRITY / TRUTH / PERSONAL POWERHAVE FUN and have a SENSE OF HUMOUR - I know it sounds crazy given how intense and painful this all is but remember it’s a war of frequency and belief - and the frequency of fun and homour has a powerful dispelling effect and keeps you smiling and transcending things like fear and victimhood. It can even create moments of peace and comdradery between you and your attackers .
Master reality creation - believe in your reality over the ones inserted or suggested by others. Become the most powerful creator in the room and you can not be tampered with
Learn from every attack - where you were you weak: too prideful, too timid, too desirous?
Be impeccable
Take Benedryle Night Time to combat dream attacks and subconscious programming (while not a long term solution this is very helpful in the midst of heightened attack. It also prevents them being able to take you in your sleep)
Do not stay in hotels however compelling the reason - they are trying to drain your accounts and hotels can be used as portals - they will stay in the same chain and room and connect with you from there for nefarious reasons
Do not smoke pot or take any drugs or plant medicines. I’m sorry about this one but it gives them easy access through the shared frequency.
Keep a daily routine to the best of your ability - work out, see friends, work on projects - maintain community and join chat rooms for TIs
I’ll be making a long youtube video on this and talking about it all at length. Really glad to have you here and to be building this community with you. Stay strong. We got this.