Now that I have a chance to think for the first time since the attacks started in July 2023 I am coming to understand more about the tech that was used, why , and by whom. It’s called Voice2Skull and Remote Neural Monitoring. Targeted Individuals are flagged and microscopic nano tech (present n everyone at this point) is connected to a super computer which projects and records everything these people think and see. Handlers or “gangstalkers” can also speak into the minds of these individuals through a headset in something they call synthetic telepathy. They attempt to financially, emotionally, intellectually and physically destroy these people. This is very much what I perceived in my experience and is what I’m now seeing thousands of other people have experienced to a T. The movie GAMER explains it quite well. I won’t name those who run these programs but let’s say high up officials and tech billionaires mainly. NWO stuff targeting independent thinkers with high intelligence - Divergents so to speak.

But what I’m noticing is that most of the targeted individuals I see out there see this as a hopeless battle and believe their consciousness to be forever captured by this synthetic AI Matrix.

I urgently want to remind everyone that in the final analysis Consciousness is all there is and all experience of all reality is ultimately yours to control. This is a battle to make you believe in your lack of control and so manifest it through you / for you.

Instead of feeling defeated, helpless, and overwhelmed, recognize this as the war of a lifetime an opportunity to transcend all those things they exploit: your pride, desire, fear, insecurity, powerlessness etc. This is what I did. I saw every weakness they exploited and healed / transmuted it becoming stronger and more pure with every battle. I learned to reprogram my DNA and nano, to remote view, to connect with higher dimensional beings and receive help. To face Hell before death. To face AI and know that no programmer has dominion over your reality except you. This life is a GAME. We set the difficulty level and this fight against the Tech /Archon / AI battery machine is just the Big Boss - so suit up, stop complaining, and HAVE FUN WITH IT

This really is the secret


by robin richardson


