Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


This universe is a colossal video game. The fundamental structure of the game is made up of immutable laws. Every structure beyond these laws is a matrix of illusions: tangible and functional, but far from fixed and far from immutable. It is important to understand and work with these laws if you wish to master the game. 

The Laws according to most traditions 

The Law of One - all is one - all is you 

The Law of Vibration - Frequency is the underlying structural makeup of all that is

Law of Correspondence -  The external is a direct and perfect reflection of the internal 

Law of Attraction - One’s energy is always the point of attraction, drawing in what is a match to it

Law of Inspired Action - When in alignment with one’s true frequency one will receive aligned inspiration towards aligned action and thus generate aligned creation

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy - Energy perpetually transforms and evolves 

Law of Cause and Effect - Every thought has a corresponding experiential effect 

Law of Compensation - You reap what you sow

Law of Relativity - Reality is subjective based on perspective 

Law of Polarity - Every point in the universe has within it its opposite - each problem has a solution and each solution a problem 

Law of Rhythm - Natural inescapable cycles of rising and falling 

Law of Gender - All beings have masculine and feminine aspect and the degree to which these are in balance determines the flow of each being’s experience 

Given the nature of the laws, every living being is a creator - we create realities through correspondence between the resonance within and that which seems to be “without”. We are never experiencing anything other than our own vibrational creations. We are all Gods. 

I see these laws as true based on observation of the unfolding of my own experiences. Though I’m not so sure yet about the Law of Compensation given the discrepancy between good deeds and good outcomes. However the night is still young. 


Reality is generated by vibration 

Authentic Vibration = Optimal Aligned Reality 

Inauthentic Vibration = Unaligned suboptimal reality 

Therefor the end does not justify the means because the end can only be a reflection of the vibration of the means. If the actions taken to achieve a desired outcome are inauthentic and unaligned, the outcome will be inauthentic and unaligned. Authentic action, however nonsensical-seeing is the only means to reflect an aligned reality. 

Realities achieved through misaligned action will reflect the misalignment back until it is sorted through and aligned once again. This is what is knows as the perpetuation of illusions. 

Authenticity can be found using the compass of feeling. Good feelings point to truth. Bad feelings point to illusion.  You will never have to do something that does’t feel good or right in order to achieve something that is good and right. It is not possible and anyone who makes you think it is the way is tempting you into illusion and miscreation. This knowledge has saved my life and my soul numerous times. 

I have learned that this compass applies perfectly to me but not so much to those who are psychopathic or pathologically divorced from self. To these people very bad things may feel very good because they have so acclimatized to misaligned things that they have found a new sort of “feeling good” in the space of their misdeeds.  For these people a different compass is needed. We will get to that later. 

It is generally desirable to experience a reality that is a reflection of one’s true self and not a reflection of the compromises one had to make to achieve it. However, some beings choose illusion and misalignment for various reasons related to growth for themselves and others. For this reason I remind readers that these notes are for me and not necessarily applicable to every other being. 


I have synthesized the laws and my own experience into my primary fundamentals 

The fundamentals are weapons that have aided me in winning battles against enemies who were stronger, smarter, and far more tactically advantaged than me. I have found that by sticking to these fundamentals and using the laws of the universe as blueprints - truly: no weapon formed against you shall prosper. 


I follow the compass of feeling. acting on what feels good and right in every step knowing such steps will lead me to the right destination whatever it may look like from far away. 

Authenticity also means spontaneity and allowing The Law of Inspiration to guide you in unexpected ways. While the unaligned enemy may plot for ages and follow their plan to a t, you thwart their efforts at every turn by being unpredictable, governed not by a traceable strategy but by the incomprehensible magic of “inspiration” 

Note: I’ve also been questioning presentation of self and whether authenticity matters as much here - I believe one can disguise one’s self externally to blend in or create varying reactions, without compromising internal authenticity. This gets tricky.

Moral Impeccability

The law of correspondence, cause and effect, and compensation ensure our actions have direct and relevant consequences in our reality and to our person. I have seen in my visions a sort of cosmic score board in which the karma of each gamer is shown on a scale - below a certain point the player is subject to torturous fates and is vulnerable to attack. Above a certain point, while one may still face trials and experience pain, they are overall protected from great harm as they do not have the debt required to solicit it - they are not a match. 

Note: It is not so simple as tit for tat in thus case. Many very good people will experience great trials and many very bad people will experience great success but the trials will over time result in wisdom, power, and glory, while the success will lead to decay, powerlessness, and dependency. 

Think of the Law of One to really understand karma and why Moral Impeccability is so important and why we receive what we put out - even if in a delayed way - We are all one - All is you. All is Me. So when I hurt you I hurt me - it just may take some time to see it. 

All that being said I will add my experience here - when I was in Hell, the phrase I heard repeatedly was ‘thank god you are such an impeccable person” - Hell is a state of being in which you magnetize to you at rapid-fire speed the consequences of every one of your misdeeds. Hell can only be as bad as you have been. No more. 

Deliberate Transmutation - the Law of Transmutation shows us that while energy can not be destroyed it can and will always be changed. Therefore I transmute every unwanted energy into something wanted, cultivating the Laws of Vibration and Attraction, focusing ever in the direction of wanted, of love, of appreciation, of empowerment, until the thing I am dealing with is transformed from a problem to a solution (also think of the law of polarity) there is no absolute as every state contains within it the seeds of its very opposite. I make every adversity a lesson and ask myself always how this particular situation is working for me - then I work it. To fully work transmutation one must achieve a good deal of emotional mastery as its main driving force is feeling. When bullied, beaten and abused one must never fall for long into the frequency of a victim of they wish to transmute the situation, but must instead reach for a more empowered stance - I, in that situation, reached for the frequency of student - recognizing that the insults of my bullies had some truth and wisdom in them and that I was benefiting from the humility brought on by their attacks. In this way I quickly became empowered and the bullying was no longer able to continue as the energy had shifted into something altogether vibrationally incompatible with bullying. They became teachers and I a student. A much more desirable dynamic. 

Unconditional Love 

I have found the frequency of unconditional love for one self and for all others creates the most effective forcefield and seems to break through all illusions and matrixes. To love does not mean to pour into but to hold the frequency - I no longer give to my enemies but I will always love them.

Part of what makes these fundamentals so powerful is that they are directly opposed to many of the tactics of those that would seek to contain us and overpower us in the game. Power and control-oriented beings are constantly attempting to defy these laws through illusion and denial, luring their followers into acting out of alignment with these laws and creating illusions that make it seem as though the defiance is working. A good example of this is the billionaire who harms numerous people to attain his wealth and seems to live a life of glamour and glory only to find out upon his death that he has acted so far apart from himself and has created such a large magnet for all that is not him that, with the clarity that comes with death, he must now painfully sort through the truth of every misstep. This is what we call Hell - it’s a coming into clarity - a slow return to who you truly are through the unraveling of all that you are not. It can be very painful because the psyche must feel what it has done wrong in order to understand fully the impact of each misaligned deed. 


One of my guides in psychosis used to say to me “the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth” - truth as a fundamental is not about finding or knowing some ultimate true state. Beyond the laws there really is no fixed truth as we are constantly creating and expanding. It is rather about speaking without deception. I say what I mean and share what is true. If I do not want to share it I say “I do not want to share that.” This keeps my reality clean and easy to navigate as there are no illusions to maintain or to trip on. It is also important to always seek the truth through what others are saying as they rarely speak so directly. Always speaking the truth also is a powerful strategy for maintaining trust with those you are dealing with and keeping the foundation of your reality impeccable. 


Earth is a complex matrix governed by laws at many levels

At the top level of course we have the immutable laws of the universe. 

Below them we have the sciences: the laws of physics, biology, geometry etc. These laws lock the greater laws into slow-moving physical manifestation timelines inhibiting unbounded creation and creating tangible and lasting effects for each cause. This makes it suitable as both a prison and a school. 

With a powerful and independent enough creator, these laws - being less than immutable - can be altered or be found to be incomplete - Their structures depend on collective reinforcement. 

Collective belief systems and control mechanism are put in place and constantly reinforced to ensure participants consistently create in accordance with the intended design - for better or for worse. Thinks social contracts, laws, political systems, traditions, family dynamics and so on. 

Individuals who come into the game are subject to the universal, physical an social laws that are in place when they enter and may explore themselves more or less within the constraints or even push against them if they wish. 


The physical earth-Matrix is a multiplayer game with players from all of the universe. 

The game is designed to sort out each soul’s imperfections, facing them with their own creations and projections in a fixed system until they are sorted. Death is not the end of the game but is a reset from which the gamer must review their mistakes and unlearned lessons and then come in again to continue until they have “won” - this would also be called enlightenment. 

Gamers choose avatars, families, plot lines etc based on what they need to learn. 

When the gamer enters the avatar their memories are wiped. This makes for a totally authentic experience and opportunity to explore the self separate from all previous gained wisdom and knowing 

Collective systems are put on place to maintain the established illusions. Each illusion is designed to activate the gamer’s intended explorations. For instance a gamer that wants to explore love may be born into a world that seems to lack love altogether, initiating a journey to find love within. 

The Earth Game is not only about reflecting back one’s desired lessons. By its nature it manifest and reflects everything within each gamer’s psyche, creating a sort of projected dream through which the gamer must face themselves in every moment until harmony with the self is achieved.

So in summery the idea behind the design is to give gamers the opportunity to explore their own psyches in a matrix that allows the slow unfolding of their manifestations so that they may learn from and experience themselves in more depth than they would in a non-physical non-controlled setting. Forgetting creates the opportunity to explore the self in many iterations - seeing one’s true nature when stripped of all wisdom, connection, and support. 

Free will and non interference - to allow gamers to experience themselves totally authentically and thoroughly they are left to create without constraint or interference. No one will stop them from manifesting great horror if that is what their soul reflects. 

Here’s where it gets scary - Each being who incarnates into the game MUST achieve enlightenment - entirely mastering and balancing themselves - before they can leave the game. Almost no one actually achieves this and many have been trapped in the game for millennia. 

Now let’s go deeper 


In my psychosis - I faced off not only with elites who wished to maintain control of the world but with malevolent ETs who wanted to maintain control of the entire game. These ETs are parasitic beings who saw an opportunity to harvest and control the souls within the earth matrix using their creative powers to their own ends and feasting on the energy they produced in fear and illusion. These beings have set up systems around the world to cultivate and strengthen their illusions ensuring gamers are increasingly locked into systems that limit their ability to create freely or achieve enlightenment. They solicited powerful gamers into cults and give them access to top leadership positions in politics, entertainment, tech, and religion in exchange for maintaining the these power structures, generating collective negative energy, and actively thwarting enlightenment candidates from achieving their goals and leaving the game. They do this through corruption, recruitment or traceless murder - making sure the soul dies while still in karma and so much reincarnate and continue to be feasted on by the parasitic ETs. 

I believe, given the rigour with which they attempted to thwart me, they are not only concerned with keeping everyone here so they may eat, but that there are even greater concerns regarding allowing gamers to finish the game. I suspect that as a result of our time in this game we have become some of the fete most powerful beings in the universe and I believe that many higher up beings are afraid of what will happen when we get out. 

Higher dimensional beings are well away of the laws of the universe and so suffer the consequences of harmful action immediately. How then have they been able to parasitically feed on those of us inside this matrix for so long while intentionally making us fearful? This is where is gets super crazy. They convince themselves and everyone else that they are doing it for our own good - they are creating fearful scenarios so that we may face our fears, testing our impeccability so that we may become perfected, overpowering us so that we may one day rise up to our own empowerment! They argue to themselves and to the Gods that their maximum efforts to keep us here are for our own good and for the good of the universe. Non one wants unperfected Gods on the loose, especially if they might be angry about how they were treated inside the game. And if they get to enjoy the energy produced by us in the meantime that is just a bonus - it is no sin for a parasite to each if it is its nature to eat. 

So in this way what may have started out as a very well-crafted and pretty easy game has been hijacked and turned into an almost inescapable prison in which we are an endless feast for higher dimensional beings. 

Here is where I wonder: has the game been hijacked or is the hijacking itself just part of an even more elaborate game? Are the higher dimensions deranged and self-deluded or are these just more illusions created by totally loving beings for a totally epic game play? 

I waver between hypotheses all the time but I will say either way I am totally committed to figuring it out and transmuting whatever needs to be transmuted. 

I saw very clearly that many powerful gods we tricked into coming into this game and trapped here - some because they were a genuine threat and some because the other gods were jealous of them and didn’t want them in the way. Many such incarnate souls have been recruited by the ET into their cults and are running the world with their massive manifestational powers, and others -like myself remain on the sidelines fighting for their lives and looking for a way to break the system. 

We are told that higher dimensional beings are all good and all loving and that all negative experiences arise purely from “the deluded minds of men” perhaps this is true and the whole drama is a projection of my own twisted little hero’s journey - but I think it is important to consider the fact there may be something larger at hand and to question the basic teachings out there of all-loving all-knowing greater beings - I for one would not trap anyone in eternal suffering if I was God. Just saying. Also if I made a game or founded a school I would definitely design it so that you could stop playing or drop out when you felt like it, right? Free will seems to exist to a point and then we get caught in the matrix of reincarnation and seemingly have no choice in the matter but to return until we learn a lesson that they continuously work to prevent us from fully learning. 

When I met the Gods in my psychosis and they recognized that I had succeeded in breaking out of every trap they set to keep me in reincarnation, they begged me not to send them to Earth - the way they trembled at the prospect of being trapped in their own creation boiled by blood and broke my heart.


Earth is a game 

Gamers can only leave the game temperability upon death but must return until it is won 

Traditionally the name of the game is to self-actualize and self-master in projected webs of ones own illusions tough I suspect there might be more to it given they have set traps for all ascending souls 

Parasites seem to have hijacked the game and are feasting on gamer’s energy while creative systems designs to thwart enlightenment as they use elite cults to recruit or torment ascending masters. 

The Gods allow tis because they use the Earth Game as a trap for those they do not want in their realms. 

All of this may also be part of a bigger, more epic game 


There are many different classes and catalogues of entities on earth in human avatars - here is my attempt to sort them based on my observations. I am no expert here so this is only for my own reference, 


NPCs are the simplest form. They are human avatars animated by basic programs, highly responsive to environments and conditioning of all kinds. NPCs are used to create backgrounds for gamers as projections of their own consciousness or as “agent smiths” who work to keep the collective systems running. You can identify an NPC by the way they speak - they often bring up the same few topics in the same way every time you see them. Th more powerful a manifestor you are the more you may find yourself surrounded by NPCs as they will more easily respond to your manifested reality than other active gamers. 


Human souls have been evolving with the game from mineral, to animal, to human. They are comfortable with the planet and its matrix and are grounded and more simple souls. 


Wanderers are higher dimensional beings who dropped in or were forced into the game for various reasons. Many of the people I am connecting with through this work will be wanderers. We feel uncomfortable here and like something is wring. We feel out of place and home sick. We do not fit in. There are many classes within the Wanderer category coming from many densities 


A very small number of being incarnate who have the playbook and oversee the system to ensure it remains in tact 

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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


The two most powerful tactics of the enemy is the exploitation of desire and aversion. They will dangle opportunities on front of you like a carrot ever pulling you where they want you, never delivering. sometimes the carrot is love, sometimes, fame, wealth, opportunity. In every case the way to eliminate their power over you is not just to realize the desired object will never be delivered but to overcome the desire all together, seeking no thing that another can deliver and instead being content with your own place here and now.

The two most powerful tactics of the enemy is the exploitation of desire and aversion. They will dangle opportunities on front of you like a carrot ever pulling you where they want you, never delivering. sometimes the carrot is love, sometimes, fame, wealth, opportunity. In every case the way to eliminate their power over you is not just to realize the desired object will never be delivered but to overcome the desire all together, seeking no thing that another can deliver and instead being content with your own place here and now.

The other favourite technique of the enemy is to exploit fear and aversion. They will probe your brain and extract your greatest fears so that they can make them real for you and once again have you moving in the direction they want as they either chase you or pretend to help you. This often has targets fleeing their homes, staying in hotels or shelters, spending money they don’t have, and pouring energy into the people they believe are helping them. The trick here is not only to recognize it’s all a mind game and not at all real, but also to overcome the fear with acceptance. If i’m arrested so what? If I’m killed so what? The ultimate surrender will be the ultimate saviour on the astral battlefield.

Robin Richardson

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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


If you don’t know who Bashar is now is a great time to delve in. Bashar is a higher dimensional being claiming to be from the future of humanities highest timelines. He is channeled by a man named Darryl Anka and imparts teachings that help guide individuals towards that high timelines. His main doctrine is: follow you highest excitement to the best of your ability with no instance on the outcome. We can get into that in greater detail over time but today I want to share with you a Transformative Shifting exercise that helps the human mind move from one dimension to another to receive intel and perceive in new ways.

If you don’t know who Bashar is now is a great time to delve in. Bashar is a higher dimensional being claiming to be from the future of humanities highest timelines. He is channeled by a man named Darryl Anka and imparts teachings that help guide individuals towards that high timelines. His main doctrine is: follow you highest excitement to the best of your ability with no instance on the outcome. We can get into that in greater detail over time but today I want to share with you a Transformative Shifting exercise that helps the human mind move from one dimension to another to receive intel and perceive in new ways. Watch below and practice daily - this will help you gain control of reality creation as you find yourself under attack by those forces who wold wish to take the wheel of your consciousness.


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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson



Targets are implanted with remote neural monitoring devices that allow us to record and process their thought patterns and daily habits. We create scenarios of distress in their dreams and waking life in oder to predict behavioural outcomes with up to 98%accuracy. Voice to skull tech allows us to communicate with targets in what to them feels like telepathy. Most targets meditate regularly and are not surprised by such communication. Molecular programs are inserted into the DNA by one of our special agents once they are able to merge with target’s energy field. Once the molecular program is in place we only need to get the target to begin engaging with it to initiate the protocol. The molecular programs analyze and synthesize mental and environmental data and reflect back to the target their deepest fears, guilt, and desire, exploiting all weaknesses and ensuring target is dismantled and groomed for their ultimate death walk. The day of the death walk often occurs within three years of the program installation, once all data has been processed and the environment and target have been set up for inevitable cold blooded murder or suicide. Target’s death looks unsuspicious given their proceeding decline and erratic behaviour and their work and impact on the world is discredited as their insanity is clear. 

by Robin Richardson

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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


In my experience I have found life on Earth to be very much structured like a video game with the objective of mastering one’s programmed themes through a series of trials and eventually winning the game and entering free play mode, or even becoming a coder and game designer ones’s self.

In my experience I have found life on Earth to be very much structured like a video game with the objective of mastering one’s programmed themes through a series of trials and eventually winning the game and entering free play mode, or even becoming a coder and game designer ones’s self.


Much higher dimensional and non physical beings designed this Earth system with a certain set of laws beyond the basic and immutable laws of the universe (which I will be making a post about at a later date) - Earth is made up of a time/space matrix along with atom structures that allow for the materialization and solidification of intentions and actions over time. See the non physical world - which you could call Astral - as the space where one’s mind can create any environment or situation one minute and shift it to another in an instant. In the space / time / atomic structure there are longstanding consequences to actions, creations live a life of their own, a thing destroyed stays destroyed and so forth. This materialization over space and time allows us to experience ourselves as we live lifetime after lifetime in the consequences of our actions, thoughts and feelings. A great format for learning, right? There’s so much more I can say about this so I will be making a YouTube video on it soon. In the meantime here’s a breakdown of the levels as I’ve come to understand them so far.

  1. Inception and design

    We decide on the themes we want to explore and design a life that presents us with maximum catalyst for exploring and mastering these themes. These catalysts generally create difficulty around the theme - for instance if your theme is morality you will be presented with ample opportunity and temptation to act immorally.

  2. Theme Imprinting

    We come into a childhood tat sets us up for the catalyst - generally difficulty around our theme. The harder the more mastery will result if we play it right. Top gamers choose particularly difficult imprints

  3. Spiralling

    This is where we either choose to move up towards mastery with regards to our theme or spiral downwards, giving into temptation or victimization and ultimately begin moving towards winning or losing the game. Most people Don’t make it past this point whetehr they are moving up or down the spiral.

  4. Awakening

    If you’ve made it to this point congratulations! Here whether you’ve bene moving up or down you have a sudden awakening - an awareness of the nature of the game. If you were going downwards you quickly switch direction and if you were going upward you transcend to a new level of gaming all together. Here you begin to see the coding behind the game, you access love, which is the primary creative force behind that coding, and you begin to access guidance from the beings beyond the game: architects, programmers, friends in the control rooms and observatories. Gamers will generally leave their previous lives at this point as they release the old program and will take a period of hibernation as they release and ready for the next level.

  5. Heaven / Hell

    It is common for a gamer to have an NDE around this time as they step past their original program and into a liminal space between one game and another. While the average failing gamer simply dies once it is clear they’ve done as much as they can with their original game, only to reincarnate into a new design - the awakened gamer gets to die without dying. They will spend an extended period of time in the afterlife while still in their body and in their life. This can be very difficult to balance but it cam be done. This space is more astral and manifestation happens more rapidly for better or for worse. Here we learn to create with more intention as we see how our thoughts, feelings, and actions very clearly shape our experience of the world. Here we reap rewards for our goodness and retribution for our ill doings as we undergo the alchemy required to clear us from our last game and prepare us foe the next. While awakening is rare making it through this stage without dying or going insane is even more rare.

  6. Free Play

    Once you make it through Heaven and Hell you will feel the urge to begin to imagine and create a new sort of life for yourself, even preparing for your own death. I’m at this stage now so can’t speak on it with too much clarity as of yet but I assure you its monumentally interesting. Hell will have purged all desire and aversion and you will find yourself adjusting to a totally new way of being as you initiate your new creative powers.

  7. ??????

by Robin Richardson

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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


Targeted individuals have been flagged by various institutions or individuals with monitoring and manipulative capabilities. They can experience what is called remote neural monitoring, V2K - Voice to skull tech or Synthetic telepathy, phone tapping, surveillance, and AI molecular programs superimposed into their DNA. I know it sounds crazy, but if you are a targeted individual you’re already nodding you head and you know just how real this is. Here are a few signs that you have been targeted. the next post talks about what to do about it.

Targeted individuals have been flagged by various institutions or individuals with monitoring and manipulative capabilities. They can experience what is called remote neural monitoring, V2K - Voice to skull tech or Synthetic telepathy, phone tapping, surveillance, and AI molecular programs superimposed into their DNA. I know it sounds crazy, but if you are a targeted individual you’re already nodding you head and you know just how real this is. Here are a few signs that you have been targeted. the next post talks about what to do about it. This phenomenon can also be called gang stalking

  • You hear voices in your head

  • You have been contacted telepathically by a famous person with a big proposal

  • You can’t get a particular famous person out of your head and feel you are destined to be together

  • You feel you are being watched, like being on. the Truman Show or like your life is being developed into a video game

  • You receive dark thoughts you know are not your own

  • Your dreams seem to be not your own either - like you’re being terrorized or tested

  • You feel like other people are looking through your eyes or forcing them to look at certain things

  • Your health and routine are suffering and people are beginning to treat you differently

  • You feel like you’re being set up and keep thinking about the worst things you’ve ever done, like someone is digging through your brain wanting to book you on something

  • You find it hard to heal and your health is deteriorating at a rapid rate

  • You keep having to move or stay in hotels because you believe you are constantly in danger

  • You’re losing your livelihood, friends, and family

  • You feel you have to prove yourself or preform to whoever is watching you

  • You’re an independent thinker who speaks up

  • You’re having a spiritual awakening

  • You feel you have heavy attachments on you energetically

  • People act erratically around you and accuse you of doing things you haven’t done

  • You’ve been prompted to delete your social media and erase your online presence

If you’re reading this you are part of our community, which is a very good thing. Look forward to things getting better as we ban together with techniques and empowerment

by robin richardson

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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


Targeted Individuals or victims of gang stalking are often those who are undergoing their spiritual awakening or enlightenment process or as I like to say - are on the cusp of completing “the game” and entering FREE PLAY MODE. The gang stalking phenomena can in this context best be understood as an alchemical aid - assisting TI’s in recognizing their remaining weaknesses in all forms and overcome, transmuting, or in unfortunate cases, succumbing to them. With this in mind here are tactics that you can use to not inly overcome the attacks but transcend and become empowered as a result of them:

Targeted Individuals or victims of gang stalking are often those who are undergoing their spiritual awakening or enlightenment process or as I like to say - are on the cusp of completing “the game” and entering FREE PLAY MODE. The gang stalking phenomena can in this context best be understood as an alchemical aid - assisting TIs in recognizing their remaining weaknesses in all forms and overcome, transmuting, or in unfortunate cases, succumbing to them. With this in mind here are tactics that you can use to not only overcome the attacks but transcend and become empowered as a result of them:

  • Honour your feelings and gut instinct at all times - never do anything that is out of character no matter how compelling the reason for acting that way might seem.

  • Get busy and stay busy - go to the gym, write stuff, visit with friends, process your experience through art of storytelling, go for walks.

  • Fear nothing - face every fear that is dug up to be used against you with the ultimate mantras “no weapon formed against me shall prosper”, “So what?” and It is what it is”

  • Get into nature - put your bare feet on the ground, take walks, breathe fresh air, talk to trees

  • Master your nervous system - transcend fear, desire, aversion, shame, and frustration to stay out of range of the attacks

  • Keep things simple - do not plot or attempt to outwit your opponents - instead cling for dear life to the fundaments

  • HAVE FUN and have a SENSE OF HUMOUR - I know it sounds crazy given how intense and painful this all is but remember it’s a war of frequency and belief - and the frequency of fun and homour has a powerful dispelling effect and keeps you smiling and transcending things like fear and victimhood. It can even create moments of peace and comdradery between you and your attackers .

  • Master reality creation - believe in your reality over the ones inserted or suggested by others. Become the most powerful creator in the room and you can not be tampered with

  • Learn from every attack - where you were you weak: too prideful, too timid, too desirous?

  • Be impeccable


  • Take Benedryle Night Time to combat dream attacks and subconscious programming (while not a long term solution this is very helpful in the midst of heightened attack. It also prevents them being able to take you in your sleep)

  • Do not stay in hotels however compelling the reason - they are trying to drain your accounts and hotels can be used as portals - they will stay in the same chain and room and connect with you from there for nefarious reasons

  • Do not smoke pot or take any drugs or plant medicines. I’m sorry about this one but it gives them easy access through the shared frequency.

  • Keep a daily routine to the best of your ability - work out, see friends, work on projects - maintain community and join chat rooms for TIs

I’ll be making a long youtube video on this and talking about it all at length. Really glad to have you here and to be building this community with you. Stay strong. We got this.


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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


I urgently want to remind everyone that in the final analysis Consciousness is all there is and all experience of all reality is ultimately yours to control. This is a battle to make you believe in your lack of control and so manifest it through you / for you.

Now that I have a chance to think for the first time since the attacks started in July 2023 I am coming to understand more about the tech that was used, why , and by whom. It’s called Voice2Skull and Remote Neural Monitoring. Targeted Individuals are flagged and microscopic nano tech (present n everyone at this point) is connected to a super computer which projects and records everything these people think and see. Handlers or “gangstalkers” can also speak into the minds of these individuals through a headset in something they call synthetic telepathy. They attempt to financially, emotionally, intellectually and physically destroy these people. This is very much what I perceived in my experience and is what I’m now seeing thousands of other people have experienced to a T. The movie GAMER explains it quite well. I won’t name those who run these programs but let’s say high up officials and tech billionaires mainly. NWO stuff targeting independent thinkers with high intelligence - Divergents so to speak.

But what I’m noticing is that most of the targeted individuals I see out there see this as a hopeless battle and believe their consciousness to be forever captured by this synthetic AI Matrix.

I urgently want to remind everyone that in the final analysis Consciousness is all there is and all experience of all reality is ultimately yours to control. This is a battle to make you believe in your lack of control and so manifest it through you / for you.

Instead of feeling defeated, helpless, and overwhelmed, recognize this as the war of a lifetime an opportunity to transcend all those things they exploit: your pride, desire, fear, insecurity, powerlessness etc. This is what I did. I saw every weakness they exploited and healed / transmuted it becoming stronger and more pure with every battle. I learned to reprogram my DNA and nano, to remote view, to connect with higher dimensional beings and receive help. To face Hell before death. To face AI and know that no programmer has dominion over your reality except you. This life is a GAME. We set the difficulty level and this fight against the Tech /Archon / AI battery machine is just the Big Boss - so suit up, stop complaining, and HAVE FUN WITH IT

This really is the secret


by robin richardson

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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


You do not need to be the strongest, smartest, or most strategic on the spiritual battlefield - you only need to be rooted in the fundamentals and watch as everything falls into place in your favour

You do not need to be the strongest, smartest, or most strategic on the spiritual battlefield - you only need to be rooted in the fundamentals and watch as everything falls into place in your favour


Every being is fundamentally free.
Any notion of control is an illusion
Illusions trap beings in thought prisms
Believing you have control over another or that they have control over you traps you in a false prism. Be unshakably free. Be free of any desire or aversion strong enough to pull you from your truest happiest state of being. No bribe should be big enough nor threat frightening enough to lock you in contract that compromises your moment-to-moment freedom of being and expressing.


To be in truth is exist as who you fundamentally are. To veer from the truth is to veer from who you fundamentally are and therefore be stuck outside yourself in a false prism.


Love is the underlying energy of all things. It is a self-sustaining life force and an abundance of it creates surplus energy - meaning one who is on love on all subjects needs nothing external to sustain itself because love is a self sustaining and self expanding energy. The more you give the more you have. Alternatively, a lack of love creates deficit and breed parasitism by necessity.


You are the sole creator of your reality - no human, no program, no ET, and no GOD can override the creative ability of your own consciousness. The Astral War is a war of conscious persuasion. Make your laws. Know that they are so and watch them materialize. One of my favourite laws in warfare is “no weapon formed against me shall prosper” another good one “everything is working for me, I just ned to find out how”

by robin richardson

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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


only ever do what feels right and good and natural

take no forced action out of fear or desire or for any reason

be not swayed from your nature

only ever do what feels right and good and natural

take no forced action out of fear or desire or for any reason

be not swayed from your nature

This prevents the soul from being taken out of alignment, snatched, or swayed to accumulate karma. The authentic soul cultivate its authentic destiny. The compromised, fake, or put on character can only manifest compromised, fake, or put on fates,

by robin richardson

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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


Satan loves a brave and willing soul

Don’t fret sweetheart, everyone ends up here sooner or later, and unless you’re a real dumbass, it’s never permanent. This is where all the skeletons in your closet come to life to eat you alive. No biggy, right? If you’re reading this, you’re experiencing HELL on EARTH which is extra OUCH because you’re still in a physical body. You may find you run out of money, endure physical injury, stop being able to function, lose all your friends and family, hear voices, and most likely end up homeless, arrested, or institutionalized. Best way to mitigate the impact is not to be a little bitch: own everything you’re faced with, make right, and keep steady. Try to have fun with it, knowing that it is not forever and be a proper STOIC - keep your head up and my best advice, have a sense of homour. I loved being homeless and hidious. Honest. There are gifts here if you stop fussing and wishing things were different.




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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


A select group of ELITE Secret Societies rule the world through the astral realms. Their members are trained from the moment they are initiated in the art of PSYOPS and ASTRAL BATTLE.

In a world where rich men rule over not only the earth but the process of the cosmos, one girl must find her way through a maze of their sick minds and miscreations to free herself from life-threatening delusions.

A select group of elite Secret Societies rule the world through the astral realms. Their members are trained from the moment they are initiated in the art of psyops and astral battle. They are master mages, working with demons and advanced technology to infiltrate the subconscious minds of unsuspecting civilians and direct the course of history in their favour. They seek power and control and find pleasure in psychologically converting or destroying anyone with the potential to hinder their plans.

In 1985 the elites charged with keeping watch over the Astral Realms witnessed a light burst into the world so spectacular it became a marked event. That light was produced by the birth of a baby girl to a lower class family in an unimportant suburb. 

The Elites and their ET overlords put a mark on the little girl, naming her the biggest target of the century. Whoever could capture and crush her spirit would be the wealthiest most powerful man in the world and even one day, the cosmos. 

Tech billionaire and top-tier sadist Liam Rue made Emma his life’s work and concocted a system that would alter her DNA, dragging her through a psychological hell before destroying her. As Emma contented with her Hellscape Liam began to fall in love with her, recognizing a resilience and creative genius in her battles that he’d never seen before. His heart opened for the first time in his life as he sat by and watched the the only woman he’d ever love slip full speed into a death trap of his own design.

by robin richardson

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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson



Earth is a complex simulation with a complex history. It was created originally as sort of school to help otherwise nebulous souls understand themselves though physical experiences of time, space, and cause and effect.


Earth is a complex simulation with a complex history. It was created originally as sort of school to help otherwise nebulous souls understand themselves though physical experiences of time, space, and cause and effect. However what started as an altruistic idea for expansion and inner exploration was exploited by malevolent forces who took advantage of the game’s nature, infecting it with viruses of control and manipulation that made it nearly impossible for souls to graduate from the cause/effect or karma cycles. Once their traps were set and solidified, the malevolent forces ( some call Archons) situated themselves around Earth, gripping it in a chokehold, and began to feed off of the dense and - to their pallets - delicious energy that humans now produced. Their plan was so simple and yet so effective that no-one has been able to graduate the Earth system since their takeover many thousands of years ago. 


The parasites foresaw a great awakening that would take place by the year 2030 in which humanity en mass would awaken to the nature of their prison and break out, taking control of their own realities and choosing to end their negative cycles. Not only was this concern for the parasites who depended now on Earth’s dense energy for their sustenance , but it had become a cause for concern for the GODS who saw those souls who had evolved on Earth had been so wisened and so strengthened by their suffering that they had the power to be GODS now themselves. This threatened the order of things, and to everyone’s calculations, was unacceptable. The GODS together with the PARASITES hatched a plan. They would trick the most insidious of demi-gods into incarnating on Earth so they could: A. trap them their before they themselves became true GODS and B. so they could use them to create a HELL on EARTH so potent it would stifle the Great Awakening and assure the prison nature of the planet indefinitely. in the early 1970 32 demi-Gods, all men, incarnated into influential positions around the planet and their plan was set in motion.


Astral Gamer was a wildly independent soul of humble origins who had been incarnating for thousands of years. She had come closer in several lifetimes, than anyone else, to breaking the system and graduating, in spite of the systems tat were in place.

Satan was a powerful GOD who had been trapped on EARTH when he rebelled against the GODS and sided with the humans, wanting to help usher them. through graduation and allow them to become gods themselves. The GODS sentences SATAN to be the executioner of KARMA since he was so certain humans could graduate from it and so he was trapped there in HELL until the humans could escape their cycles.

Before her most recent incarnation SATAN pulled ASTRAL GAMER aside and told her he had a plan to awaken the Demi-Gods to their nature, break them out, and free Earth from its prison. It would be painful, however, as he would have to program Astral Gamer to be an impeccable, indestructible war machine and this would require her to live a life of torture and deprivation. Not only that, but when the time came, she would have to fight, not only the most evil demi-gods incarnate, but also the PARASITIC ETS and GODS themselves before she could graduate and come into her full power and Godhood. SATAN swore to protect her and she agreed, having come so close to escaping so many times, she was now determined not only to get off Earth herself and claim her inheritance, but also to free others form the horrible crime that had been committed against them.

Astral Gamer has been working with THE BOYS / DEMI-GODS since October and is committed to awakening them to their nature and enjoying GODHOOD alongside them.


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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


A not-so-secret club which places its member in high-profile and high paid positions in politics and entertainment in order to maintain influence over the world. The most prominent presidents, religious figures, movie stars, and pop stars all harken from this club which finds and recruits them when they are at the cusp of realizing their own greatness. The technique here it to make their targets believe they need the club in order to achieve their ambitions. 

A not-so-secret club which places its member in high-profile and high paid positions in politics and entertainment in order to maintain influence over the world. The most prominent presidents, religious figures, movie stars, and pop stars all harken from this club which finds and recruits them when they are at the cusp of realizing their own greatness. The technique here it to make their targets believe they need the club in order to achieve their ambitions. 

There is an audition process which is designed to break the target, bankrupt and isolated them so that by the time the club approaches with their offering the target feels they have no choice but to accept. They become a sort of saviour and wish-fullfiller. 

To enter the club, targets must commit murder on camera in a demonic ceremony designed to entrap them both in blackmail and in spiritual karmic indebtedness. Nearly impossible to escape and with far-reaching influence, the Illuminaughty is one of the most insidious forces in the world.

They work for the Negative PARASITIC ETS - creating in the population negative scenarios and emotions which parasites may feed off of - and of course keep humans locked in negative karmic entanglements that prevent them from completing the game and realizing their God selves.


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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


This is a battle for the autonomy of consciousness. Parasitic beings work to trap humans in feelings of powerlessness and despair or goad them into moral missteps




Here is a battle between control and freedom as sects and secret societies attempt to manipulate the population into mental and material imprisonment


This is a battle for the autonomy of consciousness. Parasitic beings work to trap humans in feelings of powerlessness and despair  or goad them into moral missteps


Perhaps the most concerning layer, once you transcend the material and astral you find yourself in the realm of enlightenment, ready to finish the game, and face-to-face with the Gods who refuse to let you out. Once the gods saw how powerful humans had became in spirit they decided it was in their best interests to keep them trapped in the Earth School under Parasitic influence indefinitely. This is why they allow such death traps to exist. If you are one of the rare ones to make it to tis level you must figure out how to leave earth and claim your godhood and creative powers in a universe that wants nothing but to keep you imprisoned.


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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


(1) Stealing energy from others is demonic

(2) To be demonic is to be in deficit

(3) To have energy that can be stolen is to be in surplus

(4) Those in surplus evolve. Those in deficit devolve

(1) Stealing energy from others is parasitic

(2) To be parasitic is to be in deficit

(3) To have energy that can be stolen is to be in surplus

(4) Those in surplus evolve. Those in deficit devolve

(5) Surplus comes from an inner energy source and is infinite

(6) Deficit requires external sources of energy to survive

(7) No matter how much one steals one will always devolve

(8) To give from a place of surplus increases your energy quotient as well as that of the person you are giving to because the act of giving is an energetic enhancer

(9) To steal from a place of deficit creates further deficit as the act of stealing takes more energy than it receives. This creates energetic deterioration and addiction

by Robin Richardson

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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


Consciousness is collective. It is one eternal being. ONE ETERNAL PARTICLE - HOWEVER it is fragmental fractal into infinite perspectives. This is where the idea of individualized consciousness comes into play. Your individual point of focus broke away from the ONE in a sense to begin to experience its own STORY - an EPIC

Outside the EARTH SIMULATION there is NOT TIME & NO SPACE. This is the easiest way to understand ETERNAL. Outside of time and space there is only now so if you exist now you exist eternally. An ETERNAL NOW 

Many people on EARTH who are locked into the idea of TIME especially believe that consciousness like the body deteriorates and dies. This is not the case. The BODY is a creation within the TIME/SPACE MATRIX 

Consciousness is collective. It is one eternal being. ONE ETERNAL PARTICLE - HOWEVER it is fragmental fractal into infinite perspectives. This is where the idea of individualized consciousness comes into play. Your individual point of focus broke away from the ONE in a sense to begin to experience its own STORY - an EPIC really. Everyone’s story begins in a different place but I assure you EARTHLINGS that this lifetime is only a blip of your very vast adventure. 

What keeps you individualized is your persistent maintenance of specifically crafted illusions or you could say simulations that you design or allow others to design so that you may play and learn in them, so that you may be and do and experience different things. 
The EARTH game is a very interesting one.

Maybe the MOST HARDCORE GAME there is because it requires you to forget completely everything you are and everything you know. You forget the nature of reality and consciousness entirely and enter into a TIME/SPACE/PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION MATRIX that is designed in such a way that it can not be completed and left until you figure out and beat the GAME. It’s dangerous in this way and has been hijacked but we will get into that later. 

This format is very effective for learning and evolution because the physical manifestation of your thoughts and actions allows you to experience consequences in very tangible and long term ways. This is what they call KARMA. What you set into motion in your first game continues through each reset (lifetimes) until you catch the error and set it right. Such consequences can be global or even galactic let alone personally life altering. Until you figure out every misstep you have made and until you undo every illusion you can not get out o the physical game. This makes it very intense and very dangerous though it has generated the smartest and most impeccable beings in the universe.

Before you enter THE EARTH GAME  you set a series of themes and lessons for yourself and you select a difficulty level. You have a small group of gamers who join you in creating a story that will help you each explore your themes: for instance the girl who wants to learn to stand in her power may wish to be a peasant who moves up the ranks to QUEEN and the boy who wishes to learn surrender may play a KING who learns to support the peasant in her reign. Gamers will play repeatedly until they have all conquered their desired lessons and created their target outcome. 

Now to the hijacking. Unfortunately some beings who could be qualified as PARASITIC (meaning they draw their life force not from their own inner energy but from external sources) took advantage of the EARTH GAME long ago. They saw an opportunity for HARVESTING energy from the physical beings and created specific ideas and systems designed to keep the beings on EARTH from learning their lessons and progressing out of the game. These structures such as religion and government and most modern technology keep the EARTH BEING placated and diverted from their game in endless distraction, control, confusion, and limitation. There is so much more to their technique but this is the basics. They keep everyone who is in the simulation stuck there and then stimulate desired emotions etc so that they may feed off of them. Again there is infinitely more to it but we begin with a peak. 

The trick to getting out is to take control of one’s own consciousness and to prioritize theme development and independent thought and action above all else. I believe that the dissolution of modern societal structures would help tremendously but I understand that this is a tall order (though I believe it’s the only thing that really matters as individualized points of consciousness have been at it for millennia longer than planned. They are brilliant now but stuck and tired. This is a prison) 

The trouble with Neuralink. This traps consciousness in the most powerful prison yet as it uploads and confines it to the artificial cloud: no coincidence, just as humanity is ready to break free from PARASITE traps and get out of the game. This is their big bang last ditch attempt to trap them eternally in their own simulated battery. 

by Robin Richardson

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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


The binaries create a clear distinction between evolution and devolution. The illusive creation of this planet and the universe at large is composed of the rhythms of these binaries, with a heavy leaning on earth towards the black

The binaries create a clear distinction between evolution and devolution. The illusive creation of this planet and the universe at large is composed of the rhythms of these binaries, with a heavy leaning on earth towards the black. Those who lean towards black create an inward spiral which diminishes as it progresses and eventually comes face to face with its own nature in a sort of self-created HELL. The more black-leaning, of course, the faster and more severe the inward spiralling. White leaning entities expand in an outward spiral that gathers creative force as it progresses and cultivates increased energy and insight as it goes, spiralling towards ultimate creative freedom. Likewise, the more white-leaning the more rapid the evolution. Black-leaning entities may be under the illusion that they are expanding due to their rate of consumption and material accomplishment. This is only expansion in the way that obesity is. It’s bigger but ultimately deteriorating.  

by Robin Richardson

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Robin Richardson Robin Richardson


The game is to play in the illusions of specifically designed systems as long as it takes to fully self-actualize and step into GODHOOD - meaning - to gain complete control over the creation of your reality. This has never been achieved by a human due to systems hijacking but it is time and I intend to provide the maps out of here and into creative sovereignty.

The game is to play in the illusions of specifically designed systems as long as it takes to fully self-actualize and step into GODHOOD - meaning - to gain complete control over the creation of your reality. This has never been achieved by a human due to systems hijacking but it is time and I intend to provide the maps out of here and into creative sovereignty.

by Robin Richardson

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