Video Game Pitch
The Astral Gamer Vision
A game that reaches into the structure of The Earth Simulation and helps gamers break free from all imposed Matrixes as they unlock their God-like powers and master the systems designed to keep them asleep to who they really are.
Astral Gamer is a cosmic war game with infinite expansion potential. It is based on a year-long psychosis that pits the gamer against the elites, ETs, and eventually even the Gods as you fight for your autonomy and enlightenment in a universe bent on consuming, subsuming, or destroying you before you reach your potential.
The more you play the more you learn about the astral realms, the corrupt social and political systems that govern our world, the occult, and the process of enlightenment, karma, the angelic and demonic realms, the ETs, and ultimately your own true power as a creator. The longer you survive, the more powerful and educated you become.
The choose-your-own adventure game that begins on the landing page of this site is designed to give potential users and collaborates or very basic sense of the premise, though the universe of the game itself will be lush and infinite as we expand into the multiverse and give gamers the ability to bend and create worlds should they survive long enough and maintain their karma well enough to do so.
Robin Richardson is actively looking for developers to collaborate with so if you fit the bill and are feeling excited about the potential here, reach out.