You’re already in the Game

Note: if you are here now you’re witnessing the vision come together - it is still a work in progress so stay tuned and check back often for the final vision & game

meet us on the highway where the headlights shine so bright, by the gas station where we first found our souls. Cause when the world is over, we’re still the boys from neo tokyo and tonight, tonight we’re coming home

robin richardson zine art astral gamer

The Game

How it works :: Find, protect, and express the truth through webs of increasingly complex illusion

Level 1

Localized Conditioning, Family and Tradition

Level 2

Collective Conditioning and Systems of Control

Level 3

Cosmic Shadows and ET Overlords

It is true what Jung said;

the only way out is through Hell so that is where I went


The first rule of the backrooms is that you don’t arrive there on purpose. You slip. One moment, you’re walking through your living room, maybe distracted by a stray thought, maybe lost in the rhythm

The Backrooms

At a certain level everyone gets asked to design their own enlightenment system just like the one they were subjected to

Enlightenment Systems

Elon liked to watch my mind as I watched backrooms footage. He said he was studying the way I thought - mapping out the perfect torture

I would stay up late describing to him exactly what kind of backrooms I wanted him to design for me and trap me in.

The Mcdonald's Playroom in the abandoned 1980s mall was my favourite and his too I think

Now that you’ve acquainted yourself with the story, stay tuned and check back often for the game - we’re working on it

Astral Gamer Robin Richardson